Topic: Nottingham

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The Mounts, Summer 2019

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

In July the birds go quiet and birdwatchers become butterfly watchers.  The Mounts are an old clay quarry, rubbish dump, school playing fields, and now a sort of unofficial park where people walk their dogs among the overgrown grass. The numerous thistle flowers usually bring in the butterflies at this time of year, and in the good weather they didn't disappoint - although there were far fewer speckled woods this year, we saw lots of painted ladies.  The latter we usually see one every couple of year; this time we saw them so often we could tell they must have bred.  And as well as the usual meadow browns, gatekeepers and commas, we saw a small copper which is apparently quite rare!

About me

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Webpage published , updated by Richard Goodwin

The kinds of things I get up to.


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Gallery published , updated by Richard Goodwin

Back before social media was a thing, someone said it was vain to have a page with my pictures on. But now we have Twitter and Facebook and Instagram so who's laughing now? Now I guess the question is more: why do you still have a personal website?  Well at least it gives me a place to back up my photos that I actually have some control over.

I'm more comfortable behind the lens than in front, but a while back I started trying to keep a current picture on my site.  Before social media it was a lot harder to know what people looked like, which was a problem if you ever wanted to meet in real life.  Or just were really, really nosey.

Stonebridge City Farm (2011)

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Webpage published , updated by Richard Goodwin

Upgrading a local charity to a Wordpress-based site with a custom theme

Nottingham Mist

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Gallery published , updated by Richard Goodwin

Up on the Mounts, the weather can get a little weird due to the unusual geography - the area is split into a "top field" and a "bottom field" separated by a small cliff.  In November and especially December, the mists can roll downhill and settle in the bottom field, or blow over the fence on the top field.

Sneinton Carnival, July 2007

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

Although the drummers were keeping the pace when we got there, when we got home we could hear the police van at the front getting the siren to do a "whoop-whoop" noise, which was echoed by the procession.

Attenborough, June 2007

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

Spent Father's Day taking Dad around Attenborough. Lots of young birds - Reed Warblers and Whitethroats, Tree Sparrows, Great Tits, Coot, Moorhen, Mute Swan and Mallard all got photographed.

There were also a large number of Banded Demoiselle dragonfly-type creatures around; enough that we saw a sparrow catch (and drop) one, one got caught and eaten by a spider, and we found just the wings of another on the path. Mating Ladybirds and a bunch of Peacock Butterfly caterpillars, and some strange cricket-type critters, were amongst the other insects we saw, not counting all the flies and midges.

Attenborough, May 2007

Feature image

Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

Just a walk on a sunny day, and everywhere around were young birds...