Topic: England

A list of articles tagged with 'England'.
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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

Another early test of my first digital camera - various tricks to try and capture images in the dark, like changing the speed, were new to me.

Fishbourne 2

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

Taking the folks to see the inlet at Fishbourne.  Not quite as wet as before...  Features my first attempt at digiscoping, before that was even a thing.

Pagham Harbour, August 2001

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

Pagham Harbour's just north of Selsey Bill, or about 7km from Chichester as the crow flies.

The first time I went there I walked the scenic route, walking down the canal and then deciding to just keep going until I got to the sea.  Needless to say, this time we went a more conventional way, on a bus!

Fishbourne Roman Palace

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

One of the largest villas found in the UK, and some of the earliest gardens, it was found by someone digging a hole for a new water main.  Now it's a mix of preserved mosaic floors, and recreated gardens.

I also went to the Celtic day there later on.

Weald & Downland Museum, August 2001

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

The Weald and Downland Open Air Museum is a sort of building-museum.  Old buildings get dismantled from where they might have been demolished or neglected and rebuilt here.

West Dean Chilli Festival, August 2001

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

This is where it all started - my first chilli plant (a small twilight) was bought here! Currently (2007) I have 9 plants on the windowsill, five of which overwintered from last year; and seeds for 8 new varieties for next year, when I hope to have a greenhouse...

Blues on the Farm, 2001

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

A night out with the gang from work.  I was off the beer, but the others made up for it!

Nottingham walk, July 2001

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

A walk on a sunny day past the old swimming baths on Bath Street, up Hockley and around the Lace Market.

Foggy's House

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

I don't think Foggy wanted us going to his house. Ever. So we got fed up waiting for the house warming that was never going to happen, and invited ourselves in. And took pictures to prove we'd been.