Topic: Computer Keyboard
Palm V
A glimpse into our connected future.
Freedom2Teach (2000s)
Adventures in online babysitting...
BBC Micro (model B)
Much-beloved computer used in British schools back in the day. Many people of a certain age will remember this as the computer responsible for getting them in to computing.
Acorn Electron
The Electron, the first computer I ever owned.
Oregano browser review (2000)
A review written for Acorn User magazine
RISC OS HTML creation (2000)
An article written for RISC World about web development.
BBC Master
Regular and compact forms; a BBC Micro on steroids.
Network Computers
Cut down computers to bring the Internet in to the home.
Various tests of the macro facility of my new toy^H^H^Hcamera.
If I had to do it all again, I'd probably spend the time taking pics of a *clean* keyboard...