Topic: Computer Keyboard

A list of articles tagged with 'Computer Keyboard'.
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Palm V

Feature image

Webpage published , updated by Richard Goodwin

A glimpse into our connected future.

BBC Micro (model B)

Feature image

Webpage published , updated by Richard Goodwin

Much-beloved computer used in British schools back in the day.  Many people of a certain age will remember this as the computer responsible for getting them in to computing.

Acorn Electron

Feature image

Webpage published , updated by Richard Goodwin

The Electron, the first computer I ever owned.

BBC Master

Feature image

Webpage published , updated by Richard Goodwin

Regular and compact forms; a BBC Micro on steroids.

Network Computers

Feature image

Webpage published , updated by Richard Goodwin

Cut down computers to bring the Internet in to the home.


Feature image

Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

Various tests of the macro facility of my new toy^H^H^Hcamera.

If I had to do it all again, I'd probably spend the time taking pics of a *clean* keyboard...