Topic: Falcons

A list of articles tagged with 'Falcons'.
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Cley Marshes, September 2006

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

Cley Marshes as it used to be - by the time you read this, parts of it are probably under water as the sea defences have been changed.

Not an ideal day photography-wise, but some nice views of a kingfisher and swallows getting ready to head south.

Peregrines, Chichester, March 2005

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

It seems like every year, after spending cash on better equipment, I get just slightly better photos of the Peregrines on Chichester Cathedral.

The first year, the pics I took were with a 3x zoom lens which just about captured enough information to identify the bird by shape. Last year the 10x zoom on my camera allowed me to see markings etc. This year the 10x zoom lens was beefed up with a 1.7x attachment, and you can just see the glint in the bird's eye, even if the pics are grainy and heavily cropped. Maybe next year I'll have a telescope attached to a camera, and get... well, just slightly better pictures.


Feature image

Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

Random bits of nature photography from various places (Chichester and London certainly, some of it inside the office and my house!)

Peregrine, Chichester, February 2004

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

Various pics taken of the peregrines nesting on Chichester Cathedral. The ones at the bottom are very poor, taken with a 3x zoom camera for identification purposes (okay, okay, to bait my Dad with). The others are only slightly less poor, taken with a 10x zoom.