Topic: Acorn computers
Acorn Cyber Cafe (1995)
My first commercial website back in 1995, for fledgling ISP ArgoNet
Futurenet (1998)
A website designed specifically for thin client network computers.
Acorn World (1998)
The website for a show that never was.
Nevada project (1998-9)
A collaboration between Sony (SCEE) and ArgoNet to test online Playstations
ArgoNet (1996-2000s)
Work for ArgoNet, Argo Group, and Freedom2Teach (AKA Passport2Learn)
RISC OS show (Epsom, Oct 2000)
This gallery is notable as the first time I used a proper digital camera. I'd had a 640x480 fixed lens Polaroid(?) to play with in the office and didn't think much of it. Fast forward a couple of years and here's a two megapixel Olympus with a 3x optical zoom lens I borrowed off Chris Hornby on the Photodesk stand. In the end I couldn't give it back so he had to make do with a cheque!
A full write-up of the show is available on The Icon Bar.